“IoT’s Environmental Impact: Building a More Sustainable World”

Sustainability is the capacity to live and advance without abusing the planet’s natural resources. Environmental policies have become a reality for countries globally and the eco footprint of everything is being considered. 

IoT devices are no exception.

These devices have become a major part of industries ranging from healthcare to transportation and have advanced sustainable practices and improved companies’ working processes. The iGame project is only one great example of how the IoT and AI are advancing healthcare. 

The project develops game production techniques with ready-to-use toolkits that speed up the innovation processes in eHealth and mHealth apps.

Despite the link between IoT and the environment’s well-being, it’s also essential to consider the side effects of these devices on the planet. The growing number of IoT devices being produced and used on a global scale raises an essential question: what’s their environmental footprint?

The Environmental Footprint of IoT

It’s a no-brainer: producing and disposing of IoT devices contributes to e-waste. This is especially the case when these devices aren’t adequately recycled after the end of life. Also, the rapid advancement in technology has reduced the devices’ lifespan, contributing to bigger e-waste.

What’s more, some IoT devices have high consumption of energy, especially the ones connected to the internet and performing data transfer. 

What’s more, the production of these devices sometimes includes rare earth metals. They may harm the environment and aren’t easy to acquire sustainably. 

Low awareness and lack of education about the effects of IoT d devices on the environment among companies and manufacturers are contributing to the problem. A lot of IoT manufacturers and users focus on the performances and features of the systems without taking into account their sustainability.

All of these factors contribute to the environmental footprint of IoT and emphasize the need for progress in sustainable solutions for the development and usage of IoT.  

IoT’s Environmental Impact: 5 Ways It Helps Build a Sustainable World 

IoT sustainability practices are pivotal if we want to preserve the Earth’s limited natural resources. 

Businesses and economies worldwide are forming their practices around sustainability. This is how the IoT and the environment are connected to promote greener practices:

  • Smart waste management  

The expansion of technological devices requires sustainable e-waste disposal solutions. 

The global population is also on the rise: 3.4 billion tons of waste are expected to be produced by 2050 in one year only! 

Improper waste disposal, including that of e-waste, makes the pollution problem even worse. 

This is where IoT devices with wireless sensors can be of aid. 

Smart waste management tools will optimize problem-solving, improve waste-gathering schedules, and lower the overall eco-footprint. 

  • Helping in the fight against air pollution

Air pollution is a global issue. 

The WHO notes that 7 billion individuals die due to indoor or outdoor air pollution. Poor air quality has a negative influence on the weather, water, food, vegetation, etc. 

High-tech IoT sensors help cities worldwide monitor the air quality index. This tracking may encourage and assist the authorities to take necessary measures to lower the pollution. 

  • Assist in detecting water problems 

Water supply shortage is a problem for many parts of the world. 

This requires urgent water supply solutions to lower the waste of water and improve water quality. 

Leaking pipes are responsible for 20% to 30% loss of drinkable water. 

This is where IoT sensors and wireless connections can help by lowering the cost of gathering and analyzing data from different measurement points like pumps, valves, and irrigation systems. 

IoT sensors also enable leakage detection in facilities and monitor the water quality. IoT devices send alerts, decrease large-scale water waste, and reduce the global water crisis.

  • Smarter agriculture

The reduction of natural resource availability like arable land and freshwater due to the growth of the world population and the drop in yields of staple foods has made smart agriculture methods urgent. 

Producing food sustainably has a positive effect on the environment. IoT devices are vital for sustainable and smart agricultural practices, including fertilization, irrigation, seeding, and fertilization. 

These systems made with premium tech gather data on the conditions necessary for crop growth and crop analysis. Farmers have the needed information to prevent the loss of crops and to ensure their thriving.

They’re also able to optimize the use of chemicals, water, and other resources which ultimately contributes to a smaller footprint and higher production.

  • Lower energy waste 

IoT devices enable easy management of different supply chains, including that of electric utilities, their energy consumption, and the supply. 

In return, the energy costs and CO2 emissions drop. 

IoT devices monitor the use of energy via wireless electricity meters that collect data from facilities, buildings, and individuals. Thanks to this data, businesses can make sustainable energy use choices.

Final Thoughts

Our planet is calling and we must answer. 

With global warming, pollution of the air, water, and food, deforestation, overpopulation, etc., sustainable technology is no longer recommendable, it’s essential.

IoT devices have their own environmental footprint and they’re far from perfect. Many issues like improper disposal and lack of knowledge about devices’ sustainability exist and need to be addressed with more sustainable technology and approach.

However, IoT is also a major player in the promotion of sustainable technology and it’s paving the way towards a greener future. By lowering IoT’s footprint and maximizing its contribution to sustainability, a more sustainable world may not be that far away!

Eager to learn more about IoT sustainability and how it can help your business go greener?-Consult our experts at ArtHaus for the best solution within budget!